Truck Driver Kills Cyclist

In spite of some recent (and surprising!) political resistance to bike lanes, Cambridge, Massachusetts has made enormous strides improving bike commuting infrastructure over the last few years. Bike lanes are terrific, but they’re an incomplete solution to the problem of preventable cyclist deaths. Read More…

IPv6 on Fios with OPNsense

Verizon enabled IPv6 on my Fios home Internet connection today, only 9 years after Comcast rolled out IPv6 on their network! Better late than never I guess. Here’s how to make it work with the OPNsense firewall. Read More…

Solving the Ransomware Crisis

Yesterday one of Russia’s most aggressive Ransomware hacking groups abruptly vanished from the Internet. This is probably the result of secretive work from the Biden administration, and it’s great news. Read More…

COVID-19 Sewage Data, Revisited

Biobot changed their measurement methods after my November 15 post and was kind enough to reprocess historic samples with their new method. As a result, the graph of Boston-area COVID infections has changed: Read More…

Amend the Act

In belatedly authorizing the federal government to provide assistance to the incoming Biden administration, the GSA Administrator Emily Murphy writes: I strongly believe that the statute requires that the GSA Administrator ascertain, not impose, the apparent president-elect. Read More…

COVID-19 Sewage Data

November 29, 2020: The source data cited here has changed since this post was written due to revised measurement techniques. Please see my newer post for details. Here in Boston, the agency in charge of sewage treatment has contracted with a fellow Greentown Labs startup (Biobot) to monitor COVID-19 viral RNA levels in sewage. Read More…

(You Gotta) Fight for your Right (to Repair!)

I’m sure you’ve all heard the good news about Election 2020: the amended Massachusetts Right to Repair law passed decisively. Automakers will be required to provide consumers with access to “telematics” data stored and transmitted by their cars. Read More…

On Voting, Apples, and Age

I hope every sane, eligible American is planning on voting tomorrow. (For Biden, presuming you value–oh, I don’t know, let’s start with: democracy, respect, the principle of a shared and knowable truth, dignity, science, facts, empathy, and kindess? Read More…